Feedback & Complaints

Contact Us

Tell us if you have has a good or bad experience at the practice


See the reviews other patients and services users have made about our practice on the NHS website.

Test Results

The GP Patient Survey is an independent survey run by Ipsos MORI on behalf of NHS England. The survey is sent out to over two million people across the UK.

Changes to the Patient Complaint Process

From 1 July 2023 the way members of the public make a complaint about GP services to the commissioner is changing and they will now need to contact NHS North East London instead of NHS England. 

Patients can do this by:  

  • Telephone: 0208 221 5750 (It will have a voicemail facility for people to leave messages ). 
  • E-mail:
  • Writing to us at: Complaints Team, NHS North East London ICB , 4th Floor- Unex Tower, 5 Station Street, London E15 1DA

NHS Friends and Family

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