Investigations + Results

Organising your blood tests


  • make sure to drink plenty of water and carry on taking any medication you are on (even with a fasting test)
  • Make sure you take the correct form/ labels to your appointment
  • allow 7-10 working days for your results to be available


  • eat or drink for 10 hours prior to your test if it is a fasting test (water is ok, stay hydrated!)
Blood Test

If we have requested a blood test for you, or you anticipate you are due blood test, you can book this test online

Note: For childrens blood tests 1-10 years please make sure you select Childrens Outpatients at Whipps Cross Hospital

Reviewing your results

Once we have received your results (bloods, urine tests, stool tests or imaging) that have been requested by the GP Practice and these have been checked they should be visible to you within the NHS app. Some imaging results may appear as documents. 

We will contact you by telephone or email, only if a result is abnormal and you require treatment or further investigations.

You will not be contacted if your result is normal. These should be visible to you within the NHS app. If you wish to enquire about the results of your tests please telephone after 2pm.

  • The administrative staff may give results to you or you may be asked to speak to the nurse or doctor.
  • Adults' results will not be given to anyone other than the patient, except in exceptional circumstances.

Hospital Results - Patient Knows Best

You can check your appointments, test results, and discharge letters from hospital using Patient Knows Best and / or the NHS App.

X-ray, MRI and CT scan reports will also be available soon depending on the hospital trust. All your data is stored securely and you can opt-out at any time. 


Often this information is available  before it is received at the GP practice. If its not in the app it is highly unlikely the practice will have this either therefore this should be the first port of call.  

Please do not call at 2pm for hospital results as these will not be given to you by our admin team.

If you are concerned about your results and have checked the NHS App and Patient Knows Best please consider contacting your hospital team directly.

Patients Know Best (Barts Health) 

Patients Know Best | BHR Hospitals ( Barking Havering Redbridge University Hospital NHS Trust) 

The NHS App - what it can do | Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (Homerton) 

Patients Know Best | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT NHS Foundation Trust)


Further information:

Patients Know Best - NHS North East London 


For any techical web issues, please contact the Patients Know Best team at